Category: Latest Tracks

Mongoose Latest Tracks 1.1.0 Released

March 27, 2022

We’ve released an update with a couple of new and exciting features. Changelog: Added the [mongoose-latest-tracks] shortcode Added the option to have different refresh intervals per instance Updated the licensing class

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Mongoose Latest Tracks 1.0.2 Released

November 1, 2020

We’ve released a small update that includes an update to our plugin updater framework that is shared across our premium plugins. Changelog: Update plugin updater to 1.0.8. Fix issue with automatic updates not being detected. Improve handling of long track & artist names. Introduce a filter for changing how often the tracks are refreshed.

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Mongoose Latest Tracks 1.0.1 Released

October 19, 2020

We have released a minor update to Mongoose Latest Tracks. Changelog: Minor styling fixes to the front end styles Minor layout fixes to the settings page

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